Sunday, August 8, 2010


This blog will be about Aileen and Dale's motorcycle trip from Aurora, IL to Wyoming, Idaho, Kansas and back.

We met in November 2009 through eHarmony. We both feel very lucky to have found each other and are amazed at how compatible we are. We are going to be married November 1, 2010 on the anniversary of our first date.

This will be another in a long list of motorcycle trips for Dale but I am a beginner! We have taken a few short trips (4 hours is the longest). I have been learning a lot about riding in the last few months.
  1. I feel much more comfortable in a full face helmet.
  2. The new helmet I got is much lighter than Dale's old one and it actually insulates me from the heat. Yay!
  3. Bug juice comes out of your clothes without having to pre-treat!
  4. Learn the wave, nothing looks sillier than a guy on a Honda (well, it's never a guy on a Harley) doing the "beauty queen" wave. It's down, not up. Usually I am looking the wrong way so Dale has to be in charge of the waving.
We just traded Dale's Harley Ultra Classic in for a Victory Vision. The ride on the Vision is great, Dale is still adjusting to the color but it was a great deal.
Falling for Dale already!

Our first ride, Nov 11, 2009. Went to Starved Rock State Park.

Dale and the new bike, first long ride...  Lake Shelbyville, IL
It cracked me up that we drove through corn fields to get from one marina to another. Makes sense though since the lake is in the middle of Illinois. We had the most fun sitting on the porch of the Shelby Inn, eating our Dairy Queen treats and watching the locals dragging main. The chief of police had a terrific chopper and he was out there too.

We leave in 2 weeks so I thought I'd better get this set up. Stay tuned for pic's and video.