Today is September 1, 2010. Yesterday we left Coeur d’Alene and drove to Big Timber, Montana. The first part of the day was very pretty but c-c-c-old! We ended up in a motel that had wifi that didn’t work and had breakfast this morning in a truck stop where they had just cut off the wifi at midnight the night before. I am happy to be out of Montana. In Wyoming they had wifi at the rest stops! The thing that I really wonder about Montana is: what is up with putting a house 20 miles from the nearest town, 100 yards from the interstate on one side and 100 yards from the train tracks on the other??? On top of a hill or mountain with a view I can understand but really!! There are some folks I’d really love to visit with along this trip.
Idaho seems to have lots of old car graveyards. Do they go get them or do people send them there?
In South Dakota we saw lots of dead trees, cut down and the limbs were stacked around the base like a teepee, why? Is it to get rid of the underbrush?
Dale wonders where the people who seem to live in the middle of nowhere who build humongous houses get their money? Are they retired or what?
We both wonder why nobody plants a damn tree in South Dakota!!!! The wind is unbelievable!
We are staying in Sturgis tonight and tomorrow. We are hoping to avoid the high winds on I90 and as an added bonus they are having a Ford Mustang Rally here Thursday. We should have some photos tomorrow.
Dale talked to his mom tonight and she is sounding good, some of the grandkids had just arrived for a visit while he was talking to her. Vivian (Dale's mom)just moved to a new place where she will be with more people she can relate to and she says she like is so far, yeah!